Friday, October 25, 2013

Soy Candlemaking Again!

What wonderful colors and scents.
The talented chics of the Arty Tea Party, once again, stepped out to the Big Red Barn to learn Lynn's process for making Soy Candles.  Rosebud Sandy had everyone cracking up with every little thing that comes out of her mouth. Laughter is good for the soul.  It was a great turn out, as everyone chose their own colors to go with their chosen scents.  In the foreground you will see Cranberry color to go with cranberry scent, the caramel colors are mine and 1 for Nina that are Cedarwood Vanilla scented, with a touch of Fig scent mixed in.  They smell amazing.  Thanks to Lynn for opening up just for us!

Fun group of Talented Chics...(yes, I'm behind the camera)
Miss Kitty showing off her dolls
Kitty Mitchell, one very talented chic, for sure was pleased to share her dolls with the group.  You can see some of Kitty's work, Santos Doll on page 75 of Art Doll Quarterly Aug/Sept. issue, and her very cool Captain Hook in the current November issue of Art Doll Quarterly.  WAY TO GO, KITTY!
  Meet Jan, our newest member with her newly acquired doll from Kitty, that she named, Willow.

And after all is said and done, we must take deep breaths and remember what truly is important in our lives.  The Universe is allowing Mother Nature to display all of her Autumn Glory.  Get out there and enjoy what is left of it before the dreaded "s" word comes with the cold winter winds. 

Joyfully submitted by Vicki, hula~ can find me here.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Autumn Glory

Sassafras at Two Crow Cottage
Okay, talented chics of the Arty Tea Party Guild...

Here is part of a page from the Art Journal Hop that is taking place between some of the gals.  Be sure to bring the book you are working on to the next gathering on the 24th to exchange with the next person on the list.  Let's get this gig over and done with already...I want mine back for Christmas!!!

We are going to do a repeat party up at Lynn's at 1846 House Soaps for
Soy Candle Making.  This time we will be focus on the changing of the seasons...
think Harvest, and Winter for the colors and scents of your candles.
Supplies are included...small fee at the door!

Don't forget to respond directly to Lynn and whatever you do, don't forget goodies to share!
You know the drill...10ish...
