Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Arty Tea Party Takes Flight

Photo by Rona Proudfoot 
Spring has finally sprung and the awesomely talented chics of the Arty Tea Party under the tents of HAPPY HERBS SOAP are taking flight!  The whole gang will be there;  Nina, of course with all of her fabulous smelling handmade soaps and magickal botanickal incense blends, including some really cute clay kite pins made special for this event.  She will have lots there that is not available online, (including my fave soap blend of hers Lavender/Patchouli).

Also joining us will be Kitty Mitchell from the pages of Art Doll Quarterly with her latest Mixed Media creations; Victoria with her beautifully painted gifts; Sandy "Rosebud" Scarano with her Victorian treasures; Alicia with some jewelry; Judie with her latest sun catching stained glass art;  Andrea has been getting back in the beading groove and has some of her paper beads to share, too.

And I, Vicki, hula~la, will be putting out some of my Altered Book Journals.  Please stop by and take a look. 

Saturday May 3, 2014
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
On the campus of SUNY SULLIVAN
First 200 children receive FREE KITES!

See you there!