Sunday, May 3, 2009

Upcoming Bentwood Event

Well, all of you talented are all in for a terrific surprise when we head to Andrea's for the special Arty Tea Party workshop! I was treated to a preview of the beautiful bentwood creations by Miss Andrea. And boy was I inspired! So, gather your tools, clippers, pruners, twine, and whatever and be ready for a real treat! Also, don't forget your Music ATC for the exchange! HAPPY MAY TO ALL! And uh, get bloggin' ladies...


  1. Arghghghgh where da picture at?

  2. Ugh, Please forgive me. I will try learn how to post photos. I know it's lame that I don't know how, but I really don't use the computer very often. So, now I can thank all of you talented chics for not only the artistic inspiration, but for forcing my hand at this blogging stuff. Andrea aka Onya

  3. It's a surprise anyway! A very, very nice surprise!

  4. What a day this has been! ! ! ! ! And - we actually have something tangible (and beautiful) to take home.
