Friday, February 3, 2012

CrEaTivE ArT PlaY

The Talented Chics of the Arty Tea Party met at Kelli's yesterday to play. After taking Traci Bautista's online workshop through Strathmore Artist Studio, I, Vicki, decided to put it out there for this wonderful group of friends.

For some, it was difficult to stray from the landscapes, and the roses, and just throw your hands up in wanton abandon to just plain doodle with all sorts of supplies. From fabric spray paints, punchanella and feathers to oil pastels, inks, water soluble crayons and paint pens, the group let loose and came out with some fabulous paintings.

GOOD FRIENDS ~ GOOD FOOD...What a wonderful day on the mountain. Many thanks to Kelli, the Hostess of the month.

In addition, our Dear Sweet Nina of Happy Herbs Soap shared her new incense blend of the season..."Winter's Spell". And it is just the perfect companion to help beat the winter blues.

Fondly submitted by:
Vicki, always outofhand... Visit me at


  1. Great time! Where's the pic where Andrea put her face right next to your artwork?

  2. It was great fun, wasn't it! My piece is sitting right above my computer... What a wonderful gathering.

    Um, her eyes were funny in that pic. Didn't think she would appreciate it. But just for I think I will post it:0
    Stay tuned...
