Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Arty Tea Egg Party

Rose's Egg

Here is another of the wonderfully decorated goose eggs from the Arty Tea Party hosted by Sandy "Rosebud".  The glitz and bling and lavender color is a beautiful transition from where that egg started.  Wish I had a before picture when it was a completely different color...ha ha...  With so many colors and supplies to choose from, it was hard to limit.  Rose, you have done a fine job!  
Arty Tea Party in action...
Special thanks to Sandy, the Hostess with the Mostess
and Lynn for the last stash of goose eggs.

Welcome to our newest member...Kathryn! 

 Next party is candlemaking...stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I know that lady up front with the glasses painting an egg...she writes a newspaper column or something :) Nice job ladies! Looks fun and pretty!
